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Don't Go There! 4 Steps To Take When Your Aging Dog Develops Bladder Control Problems

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When you have a new puppy, you expect it to have bladder control issues, especially if it hasn't been properly trained yet. However, when an older dog develops bladder control problems, it can be a bit unnerving, especially when the problems come on quickly. In most cases, bladder control problems can be relieved easily. Here are four steps you can take to cure your dog's bladder control issues.

Spend More Time Outdoors

As dogs age, their bladders can shrink, which makes it more difficult for them to properly relieve themselves. If your dog has been having accidents in the house, try to spend more time outdoors. Your older dog may require more frequent bathroom breaks or may simply require more time to empty its bladder each time it goes out. The additional time outdoors will provide your dog with the opportunity to completely empty its bladder, which will reduce accidents.

Learn Your Old Dogs New Signals

When your dog was young, it might have had a system of signals that let you know when it had to relieve itself. Now that it's older, it might not be able to rely on those same signals. This is particularly true if age-related incontinence has come on quickly. Watch your dog for a few days and learn the new signals. Some of the new signs might include:

  • Walking in circles
  • Sniffing one particular area of the house
  • Restlessness

Feed by the Clock

If your older dog is having bladder control issues, try setting up a new feeding schedule. Feeding by the clock will allow you to get a better grip on your dog's bathroom breaks. Set the alarm for the specific feeding schedule. Each time the alarm goes off, feed your dog and then take it out for a bathroom break. Your dog will come to realize that the alarm signifies food and relief.

See the Vet

In some instances, sudden bladder control issues can signal a more serious health issue. In those cases, you need to take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Be aware of the warning signs that could signal kidney failure, bladder infection, or diabetes. Those warning signs include:

  • Blood in urine
  • Foul smelling urine
  • Bright yellow or orange urine

If your aging dog has developed bladder control problems, use the tips provided above to help get the problem under control. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian if the problem persists or if you notice any of the warning signs described above.  For more information, contact local professionals like 1st Pet Veterinary Centers.
