That Loving Feline: What To Do When Your Cat Is Attracted To A Neighbor's Cat
Cats may have a reputation for cold aloofness, but they can be just as needy as a dog in some ways. If you find that your adored feline companion is looking for love in all the wrong places (the cat next door or down the block), know that this can spell trouble for all kinds of reasons. That can motivate a cat to try to escape your house, which can put them in danger. And if they do escape, you don't want to be dealing with a full litter! Here's what you need to know to solve the problem. No Romeo and Juliet tragedies are necessary!
Step #1: Get Your Cat Spayed or Neutered
Dog owners are often cautioned to get their canine companions spade or neutered at six months of age, but cat owners should know that this is also something important for felines! A female cat can get pregnant when she is as young as four months old, and some male cats are able to impregnate female felines at six months of age or even a little younger. Talk to your veterinarian about when is the earliest you can take your cat to the veterinary hospital to be spade or neutered. This is very important and may often solve the attraction your cat has for the neighbor's cat!
Step #2: Set Limits in Your Home
If your cat is an indoor cat, try to limit the exposure to the cat next door. If their exposure to the cat that interests or agitates them is through a window, you may set that certain room as off limits to your cat. You can do this by simply closing the doors or otherwise limiting a cat's access to that area of your home. If your neighbor's feline companion is an outdoor cat who tries to enter your home and otherwise taunt your cat, talk to your neighbor directly about the issue and what you expect as a solution.
Step #3: Consider Adopting Another Cat
If you notice that your cat may be lonely, it may be a good idea to adopt a second cat. That can solve the problem if the issue is the cat's loneliness. Cats of many sizes and personalities can be adopted, so try to match a new cat to the size and temperament of your current feline companion. Ask your veterinarian or maybe even check with your local veterinary hospital to see if they have any recommendations on where local cats in need may be adopted. Introduce any new cat to your current companion slowly, and you may find that your cat is so satisfied with their new friend that they don't bother with the neighbor's cat anymore.
Finally, keep in mind that distracting your cat from a problematic attraction to a neighborhood cat can be a process of trial and error. It's always important to start with ensuring that your cat is spade or neutered. From there, you can ensure your cat's safety and overall well-being. For more information, or to get your cat spayed or neutered, visit your local veterinary hospital.