Learning About Vet Care For Pets And Farm Animals

The Alternative Approach: Three Ways To Treat Your Senior Dog's Arthritis Naturally

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If your elderly dog has developed arthritis, you may be looking for natural, drug-free solutions to ease the inflammation and joint stiffness. You may already know to provide a soft cushion for your dog to sleep on, far away from any cold and drafty location. In addition, there are alternative therapies that may help improve your senior dog’s mobility and ease the discomfort. With your veterinarian’s approval, you might want to look into the following three alternative therapies that do not involve pain medications or steroids for treating your dog’s arthritis: Read More»

Why Is Your Cat Losing Its Teeth Even With Regular Cleanings?

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If you’re regularly brushing your cat’s teeth and taking them to the veterinarian for professional exams and cleanings, you may be frustrated to learn that your cat has bad teeth. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common problem for cats to have, even if their pet parents are taking excellent care of them. Read on to learn more about what causes your cat’s teeth to start breaking down and what you can do about it. Read More»

Looking For A New Puppy? 4 Ways You Can Avoid Having An Aggressive Dog

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Dog aggression is a huge problem. More than 4 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States. And there’s no one type of dog that’s always at fault. While it’s true that some breeds have more aggressive tendencies than others, all types of dogs can have aggression issues. You can select any breed of dog and end up with an aggression problem if you don’t take steps to avoid and/or correct the behavior early on. Read More»

Is Your Cat Trying To Speak To You? What To Look For

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Wouldn’t it be great if your cat could communicate with you? While the two of you might not be able to communicate in the traditional sense, cats do have a way of speaking to their owners. The goal for you is to learn how to interpret these signs. Here are just some of the things you want to look for. More Meows Is your cat meowing non-stop? If your response is yes, it’s time to take a closer look. Read More»

Can Star Wars Technology Offer Help For Canine Ear Infections?

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Anyone who has had to deal with chronic ear infections in their dog knows how frustrating it can be washing the ears, applying medications, and watching their pup constantly scratching at their ears until the point of bleeding. And then the infection returns. There may be relief in sight, and it comes in the form of a technology more often associated with a Jedi knight than a veterinarian—laser therapy. Here’s what you need to know. Read More»