Chronic renal failure in cats is fairly common, especially in older cats. Approximately 1.6 percent of cats develop the disease at some point in their life. Unfortunately, there isn’t a cure for chronic kidney failure. However, new and promising treatments are emerging. There are also other tried-and-true ways that you can use to treat this progressive disease. Treatment will prolong your cat’s life and make them more comfortable. As with most treatments, the sooner you start treatment, the better. Read More»
Cats may have a reputation for cold aloofness, but they can be just as needy as a dog in some ways. If you find that your adored feline companion is looking for love in all the wrong places (the cat next door or down the block), know that this can spell trouble for all kinds of reasons. That can motivate a cat to try to escape your house, which can put them in danger. Read More»
When you have a new puppy, you expect it to have bladder control issues, especially if it hasn’t been properly trained yet. However, when an older dog develops bladder control problems, it can be a bit unnerving, especially when the problems come on quickly. In most cases, bladder control problems can be relieved easily. Here are four steps you can take to cure your dog’s bladder control issues.
Spend More Time Outdoors Read More»
If you are starting to make plans for your next vacation, you may be considering boarding your puppy at your local pet hospital. However, you may be concerned about this big step–especially if your dog has anxiety issues. Here are some tricks and tips to make this period less burdensome.
Start Crate Training Now
You may be putting all of your efforts into potty training your pup, but don’t forget that crate training is a big part of house-training as well. Read More»
When you adopt a dog and take them for their first visit to the vet, your vet is likely to recommend your dog gets several different vaccines to protect it from various illnesses and diseases. However, many vaccinations may be for illnesses that are unfamiliar to you and you may find yourself unsure as to whether you should go ahead with all of these pet vaccinations. While rabies vaccines are required by law, many others, like the distemper vaccine, are not (depending on the state in which you live). Read More»