Learning About Vet Care For Pets And Farm Animals

Tips For Tackling Litter Box Trouble With Your Cat

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If your cat has suddenly started avoiding the litter box or is going to the bathroom in other areas of the house, it’s a situation that requires immediate attention. The longer the cat spends doing this, the harder it is to restore proper litter box use. While it may be the result of a medical issue that requires veterinary intervention, here are a few things you can do to try to resolve the problem on your own. Read More»

How To Reduce Stress In A Cat With Hyperesthesia

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Feline hyperesthesia is a condition that’s often compared to human schizophrenia. It causes cats to engage in strange behaviors such as over-grooming themselves and appearing to run after things that aren’t really there. If your cat has hyperesthesia, it is important to keep their stress levels down to prevent episodes. To do this, you should give them a consistent routine and learn how to help them deal with changes. Create consistency in your cat’s routine Read More»

4 Tips For Keeping Your Cat Safe During The Winter

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During the wintertime, the cold weather outside can pose a risk to your cat. Here are a few things you need to know about keeping your cat safe during the winter months.  #1 Keep Your Cat Inside Even if your cat is typically an outdoor cat, you should try your best to keep your indoors during the winter months. If your cat is typically an indoor cat, make sure that it doesn’t sneak past you and get outside during winter. Read More»

Weather-Related Health Risks For Pets

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Extreme weather conditions can take their toll on pets as well as their owners. However, many pet owners are unaware that their pets can suffer some of the same health issues as their children when exposed to severe heat or cold, This can result in severe injury or death for the pets if they are not given emergency veterinary care as soon as symptoms develop.  Heat-Related Health Issues For Pets Read More»

How To Choose A Dog From A Shelter

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Pet adoptions can be a difficult task, especially if you are choosing a pet from a shelter. If, for example, you’re choosing a dog, you need to take some things into consideration. You don’t know what the dog’s history has been, only that it is up to the standards of the shelter. In order to increase the chances that you’ll find the dog that is perfect for you and your family, follow these steps. Read More»